High court using large screens for people to follow proceedings in the Kamoga Case
The InternationalCrimes Division of the High court is trying Sheikh Yunus Kamoga, the leader ofthe Tabliq sect, and 13 others accused of murdering Muslim clerics between 2014and 2015. The Court is presided over by three Hon. Judges of the High Court. TheHon. Judges include: - Hon. Justice Ezekiel Muhanguzi, Hon. Lady Justice PercyTuhaise and Hon. Lady Justice Jane Kiggundu.
Due to the huge turn-up of people for the trial of the Muslim clerics,the High court introduced large screens for people to follow proceedings in anadjacent courtroom.
“Gone are the days when we used to stand underthe sun. At least now we can sit here and follow everything,” said one man. Anotheradded: “Actually being in this room is better than sitting in the real court.We are better off here [because] you can see everyone in the other court.”
These menare talking about the days when, during preliminary hearings of this case, somepeople would be locked out of the court premises for lack of space. In theirhundreds, the relatives and friends of the accused would crowd all the roadsleading to the High court and at times pray in the middle of theroad.
It’s thefirst time in Uganda’s court history that proceedings are simultaneouslybroadcast in another courtroom. Not even the much-followed Supreme Courtpresidential election petitions have had such technology. This innovation is awelcome relief to people who go to court.
Theinnovation, the Judiciary says, has been driven by the determination of the ICDto follow International Criminal Court standards.
“The Judiciaryis trying to improve technologically,” said Mr. Muyita who is the SeniorCommunications Officer for the Judiciary. “You’re going to see many of theseinnovations relating to information technology,” added Mr. Muyita.
Under ICDrules, a pre-trial Judge is supposed to consider the facts of thecase; the markings of the evidence of both parties; any objections toadmissibility of evidence; the settlement of some or all of the issues, and thestatus of the victims and witnesses.
This single Judgeis also tasked to establish any special needs of the witnesses, of the accusedperson and the defense witnesses, if any. Section 3 of these rules states thata Judge who presides over the pre-trial proceedings shall not be part of thetrial panel in the same case.
This article was published by The Observer
Posted 24th, October 2016